Thursday, February 28, 2008

The President

Tomorrow is a Spirit Day at school, "Powerful People Day." It can be someone past or present.

The first person DuckyBoy thought of after I explained the concept was Christopher Columbus.

Then he wanted to know about presidents -- what did George Washington do, then I chimed in with what Abe Lincoln did, then he wanted to know who is president now. That's who he wants to be!

Now, we don't talk a lot of politics around my home. We're not big Dubya fans, to put it tactfully. But I found myself really wanting to describe him in positive terms to this impressionable young man -- it seems more about the institution of The Presidency than about one man in particular. So I think I did OK.

So that's who he wants to be tomorrow. So this afternoon we've got a little bit of web research (learning a bit about the person you pick is a requirement), craft projects (a briefcase), and shoe shopping (something dressy enough to go with his suit) to do!

And for the record they have at least one thing in common -- middle initial.

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