Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bake Sale - Fingers Crossed

The big pre-Valentine's Day bake sale at DuckyBoy's school was today. So, I drove him to school and prepped him that I would be helping for a little bit "to set up." (Actually, I volunteered to help for the first 2 hours, but he gets a little jealous thinking about me with other kids, so I leave that part off.)

Turns out his class was scheduled to come this morning, so I was able to stay until they came. (That of course entailed more prepping beforehand: "Mommy might be able to still be there, I might not.")

And you know what? He did great! Rolled with it! Went with the flow! Awesome.

He also picked out a couple of goodies at the sale -- a cupcake and 2 cookies --that I don't know what they're made with, dairy-wise, but I'm going to take a cue from him and roll with it. He seems to tolerate baked goods better anyway. I was so happy that he first picked out one of our sesame cookies that he could've gotten away with anything just then! (And did...)

Yes, our cookie-baking went well yesterday. I measured every ingredient before he even got home, cracked the egg into a bowl, and put it on the table in order. He dumped everything into the bowl when I told him to, and stirred as much as he wanted (which was only a little bit). Then he rolled a few of the dough balls in the sesame seeds, and that was enough baking for him. But that was a lot.

He also. ALSO!! Ate a chicken-burger for dinner. The first time he's ever eaten a burger-type item at home! Huge deal. AND! He tolerated me telling him NOT to get another snack (or another sample cookie once they came out of the oven) before dinner. When he knew the dinner wasn't something he chose or would choose for himself! That is so huge.

Fingers crossed, because he's doing soo well, I hope I haven't just made a big frosted cupcakey mistake!!!


Anonymous said...

I can empathize with you that cooking with our children is a lot more work than just cooking something on one's own. I got a cookbook called Mom and Me Cookbook hoping that A. would be more willing to eat veges and new food if we cooked it together (at least that's what I'd read in those parenting magazines). A. loved cooking together but just picked off the veges. While she did take a no thank you bite, I'm not sure the Mommy and me time was longer than the time I spent alone prepping, finish cooking, and cleaning while A. played alone in another room.

Janice said...

I know, it took me a long time (and a lot of dishes) to prep for those cookies. But you never know what the kids will remember about the time with you, though -- that time together could give A a really positive feeling about cooking that lasts a lifetime. It is frustrating when the prevailing advice is for typicals, and then the idea falls flat, or appears to, when I try it with my kid.