Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Power of the Ice Ring

Well, Duckyboy wasn't interested in reliving his party yesterday. Until bedtime, when he asked:
DB: "Why didn't we do the party again?"
Me: (Sweetest possible mom voice) "Because you didn't want to." (Resist urge to bang my head against the wall in frustration.)
DB: "Oh."

That means it makes sense, when he just says, "Oh."

But anyway, he did enjoy playing with the just-for-him ice ring. Didn't want to make more punch (Oh, WHERE did I go wrong??) but had a blast watching the ring melt. Good science lesson! He kept checking back on it in the bowl through the course of the evening: First he looked at the 2 colors and figured out that the darker side was more juice and the lighter side was more water (Mommy didn't mix the juice and water very well). Then as it melted he noticed the thinner side lost its shape first (I had to shove it in the freezer at kind of an angle; I'm sure Martha Stewart would cringe if she saw me entertain. Then again, I'm more secure than she is.) And finally he just watched the whole thing melt. Kept sticking his fingers in to touch it, too -- good OT/sensory stimulation!!

Yes, at this point I can spin anything I do with him so it can be seen with a educational and/or therapeutic bent. Yet if I try to consciously Teach the kid anything, he resists.

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