Thursday, February 28, 2008

Note from the Toys

Dear DuckyBoy,

We didn't know that your being in kindergarten would mean we don't get played with so much. One day, it was a given that at least some of us would be out and about, getting some play, as it were. Now? Your homework isn't that hard, we know. And since you get it a week at a time, Mommy manages your time pretty well around the swim lesson and other stuff so you don't get stuck with a lot each night. But still. It requires time to be managed.

Between that and the hour on the bus, well, that just seems like time wasted. Why doesn't Mommy come get you so you could play with us during that time? Doesn't she love us any more?

The Little People
The Thomas Trains

** Warning: Haiku Ahead **

The toys sit and sigh
waiting for their time to come
when their boy can play.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, this one must be included in the book I hope you are planning on writing. Maybe something like Bridget Jones' Diary?