Tuesday, February 26, 2008

From Sun to Snow

Ahh, nothing like coming home from vacation and getting walloped with a head cold! Or something, I don't know what this is. I haven't woken up with my eyes glued shut since I was, like, 5. But the doc tells me I'm not contagious. I just don't FEEL like doing anything involving anyone else! TV, soup, juice, sleep.

DuckyBoy of course is just fine... though I suspect something is up with his system too.

Clue Number 1: He had a Good Day Monday, says his teacher. First day back from vacation and it was able to be called good?? He doesn't like Mondays as a matter of course, so for the transition day after a week off to be decent, wow. He must be feverish. I mean, "maturing."

Clue Number 2: He wished me a happy birthday and didn't freak out about anything this morning, even though I was NOT going to be able to go on the field trip (teacher error about how many parents were allowed to go -- don't get me started). And he informed his bus driver and matron it was my birthday, which was sweet. Must be feverish. I mean, "learning social skills."

Anyway I am looking forward to posting all kinds of tidbits about our most recent Orlando vacation. Once I can be out of bed for longer than 15 minutes without feeling exhausted, that is.

Two quick things:

* DuckyBoy rode the Shamu Express (roller coaster) so many times in a row we lost count. I think it was something like 50. His cousin who rode with him deserves a medal!!

* The big tactile/sensory gain, I think, from this trip is Sleeping Under The Covers! Wahoo! Thank you, Florida humidity and air conditioning!!

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