Thursday, February 7, 2008

Do My ExtraBucks Make Me an Extra Sellout?

Thank you for this blog and for my husband's giving me the nudge in the right direction to start it. Amen!

And now, for something completely different.

Anybody else get CVS Extra Bucks? I have a whopping $2 to spend. Brilliant marketing. Keeps me going there from time to time when my usual modus operandi is to pick up whatever I need from the pharmacy aisle at Stop & Shop and live without whatever I can't find. (Except my ob's. I look high and low for those ob's -- how could you let me down on something so vital, Stop & Shop??

Anyway. I have $2. But! But! In today's mail I got, as a birthday gift from my Close Personal Friends at the CVS corporation, an additional $3! That makes FIVE!

Now, I could go blow five bucks at CVS any time I wanted to. (Except some Fridays when I've gone to AC Moore earlier in the week.) But this is FREE MONEY! Who could resist.

So then I notice I've only got 2 Tylenols left. Need to buy them. Should I use my ExtraBucks and get free headache relief?

But.. that $3 is a Birthday Present! I don't wanna use it on something practical.

So do I buy the pills AND get myself something else with the ExtraBucks? That plays right into what CVS wants me to do, namely come in with free money and spend more than that? I don't mind playing their game but, well, I don't want to feel uuuuused.

I've got a few weeks before everything expires. I'll pick up more Tylenol the next time I'm at Stop & Shop, and hold the ExtraBucks for something more worthy of being obtained for free. A Purchase to be Named Later.


1 comment:

Veliero dell'Alba said...

I know exactly what you mean. I spend that free money a hundred times in my head before finally buying something I am in desperate need of (Hello Secret! Goodbye, Chips Ahoy.)