Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bring a Book to Bed Day

Herewith, our participation in Bring a Book to Bed Day! At bedtime we are currently reading Laura Ingalls Wilder books.

We're on our way through Little House in the Big Woods for the second time, and here DB is posing with Farmer Boy, and we've also started -- but have returned to the library for now -- By the Shores of Silver Lake.

For the record, DB is only pretending to read this book. He's a good reader, but these are still text heavy for him.


Sara said...

He looks so much like you here, somehow.

Janice said...

Aw, thanks! maybe it's the earnest reading pose...

Anonymous said...

How cute! And he looks so cozy and happy too...a perfect Bring a Book to Bed Day! celebration...

Love and lots of books always!