Monday, February 16, 2009

RIP Skinny...Maybe?

When DB went to bed we thought our goldfish, Skinny, had died. We saw him just this morning, and for whatever reason at the end of the evening we were talking about how he'd surely live a long, long time ... um, and then we saw him lying at the bottom of his bowl.

"That's how fish sleep!" DB wailed, and wailed and wailed. For once neither of us, me or Husband, told him to stop crying.

I thought it was very emotionally articulate of him to say "I feel like a baby." And I reassured him everyone feels like that when a pet dies. (Me, especially.)

He finally settled down to sleep. Then I checked the tank. Skinny was not lying in the spot where he'd been. Had the force of the bubbles pushed him under his car? No, there he was, bravely swimming around! Not very healthily, but swimming nonetheless.

A few minutes later he lay down in the corner of the tank. I put DB's "Fish Day" card near him where he could see it.

Criminy! A little while later, he was up again!

I changed some of the water as gently as I could, and the last I saw him, he'd wedged himself between his car and the rock/filter, I think it's basically breathing for him.

He's on life #3 at this point, having been wedged into the bottom section of his previous tank for several days a year or so ago. Who knows what could happen in the morning!

I put DB's school photo where Skinny can see it. If he passes in the night, he'll be looking at his owner who loves him.

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