Friday, January 2, 2009

Alright Already, Resolutions

I haven't even thought of making resolutions in, oh, ages. But this year the Internet keeps asking and asking.. nag, nag, nag, okay okay, I'll do my homework already!

I find myself with a bit of unexpected free time this afternoon. So this seems a fruitful way to spend it, unlike my usual blogging which sometimes just seems pointless and self-gratifying. (Betcha can't do this in the shower, eh, fellas?)

  • I resolve to get some traction in my life this year. Some that feels like my feet are firmly on the ground, not just that my husband dragging me along (which is a good thing he does, don't get me wrong).

I really feel like I don't know who I am anymore, and I can't just blame it on being a mom. I started to put parts of myself away as soon as Husband and I hooked up, and it's not really his fault either (as much as the lazy part of me would like to simply throw up my hands and blame it all on him).

  • I resolve to remember what I like to do and do some of those things.
  • I resolve to find at least 1 new thing I like to do BY MYSELF and find the space and time to DO IT regularly.
  • I resolve to clear the clutter in my home and mind. (It's much harder to get rid of physical clutter now that it's actually worth something on ebay...)
  • I resolve not to make any more resolutions since these are Pretty Big already.

Ok, on to my next time-waster... haiku! Got so serious about those resolutions I almost forgot that it was Christina's post that finally made me do them.

I've always felt I
can't fail if I don't try, but
this year I'll be strong.

1 comment:

karen said...

These are great resolutions! I can't believe tomorrow is Monday. Is it really time to get back to the real world? oy ...