Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Friends with Blogs Updates

My friend Alba has a new blog (for AOL, no less!) called Bright and Spacious, about real estate and home ownership, and generally making the most of the space you're in or moving into or moving out of. Cool. I like the poetry blog but this one's more roomy, ha ha.

Meanwhile I have been neglecting Sara's funny blog of "what were they thinking?" real-estate photos, It's Lovely! I'll Take It! and I see that her banner is a photo of an ad for her blog on city benches, no less! I haven't asked her whether somebody's really good with PhotoShop or if she really did the ads. But how impressive it looks anyway! [Edited to add: Sara says it's a trompe l'oeil. Which these days is a trompe l'software.]

Another friend who is the northern half of mystery writer Evelyn David is recovering from a stomach bug and, I see, also from an addiction to computer solitaire. If I know her, she'll find a way to turn even THAT into a book proposal! (Or a character trait for a character in a future book...) Unlike me who just wastes her time at it. And almost got fired once because of it...

Meanwhile Meredith is busy Twittering instead of finishing a manuscript and also just got back from a silent retreat. (If you Twitter on a silent retreat, is it really silent? N.B.-Meredith did NOT tweet during her retreat.)

I'd love to go on a retreat, silent or not, but can't seem to find anything online suggesting a place I could go!! All advice welcome!

Sneadwoman appears to be impossible to find anywhere other than Wed MD's Autism Support Group. So! Updated her link shall be.

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