Monday, January 26, 2009

Blessed by Overtipping

Yesterday by accident I put $2 (or it might have even been $3) in the tip jar at Dunkin Donuts. I love this particular DD so much I even thought of tipping, which usually I don't. But the bills stuck together and whoops! There it was, a small wad of bills in place of the single I planned on putting in. Was it even all singles? What if that was a $5 bill inside there?

The counterperson had moved on to taking someone else's order so I had a few seconds.What to do?? I wanted to get it back, simply because it was a mistake! We're not so rich we can tip like THAT! We're on a tight weekend budget, and all of Sunday stretched out before us!

I put my finger back towards the bills but they were folded together tight. I'd have had to remove my gloves, then remove the entire wad and unfold it and peel $1 off to put back in.

I didn't know how I was going to explain what I was doing if the counterperson happened to glance over! No, I'm not helping myself to the money in your tip jar!

So I left whatever it was.

And we ended the weekend with $95. Out of $100. The coffee and three donuts cost more than $5...not even counting the amount of the Unknown Tip! Figure that one out.

This post is my contribution to Bossy's Daily Poverty Party.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

oh well--i'd want to do the same thing--try to remove the extra tip, but if i got caught, I wouldn't want to show my face in there again.