Friday, January 9, 2009

Hopeful Friday

Haiku for Friday,
working on my action guide
The Lord has blessed me:

Just one little strike
First week back from vacation --
SO proud of DB.

A little me time
in quiet house yesterday
restoreth my soul.

DB gets "strikes" at school when he does something especially egregious (shouts, throws something or hits someone). The other kids get them too, sometimes. But this week, which is usually a hard transition back, he only has one so far!

We'll see about today -- it's assembly day, when someone else gets named citizen of the month. He can barely tolerate being ni the assembly at all, and then when they call someone else's name he usually shouts out angrily. I've sent a note to remind the teachers to remind him of expected behavior. We're going to practice not shouting in the car on the way to school.

And also the prayers will begin in 3,2,1...


Anonymous said...

Fingers crossed for a strike-free day!

Cathy said...

that's so great!! ethan's first week back to school went pretty well, too. He usually keeps it together and then loses it at home, which he did a few times. he hates when he isn't picked either. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, boy...Good Luck!

Nice use of "restoreth" in a 'ku. Very cool.

karen said...

Praying for a great day! May all have an extra dose of compassion, understanding and humor, too. That goes a long way! Happy Friday.

Mel said...

Any kind of progress is awesome! Yay! Nice haiku!