Friday, May 1, 2009

Oedipus Speaks

So. DuckyBoy has always been attached to his mama, but lately it has ramped up in a certain arena, namely, him wanting to touch my chest and kiss me, particularly on my neck.

I smack his hand (or at least try to) when he grabs my breast, so hopefully instead of just a game he gets the point that it's not appropriate (I use words, too). I figure, if he tries that with another woman he might get smacked, so he might as well know that is a real consequence.

As for kissing my neck, it skeeves me a bit. I tell him it's not appropriate; I'm always serious and don't make a game out of it; and yet he still tries to do it.

Tonight I told him flat out, "Don't do it any more."

"I think about it a lot," he complained.

I told him some day he'll have a girlfriend he can kiss on the neck.

"What if she doesn't like it?"

"Then she may not be the right girlfriend for you."

"So much for marrying you, then!" he said, with some bitterness.

Sorry, little buddy.

Um, most kids don't actually talk their way through this phase, do they?

For Haiku Friday:

Little boy growing,
finding his way in the world,
ventures out from Mom.

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