Thursday, May 21, 2009

Personal Peace Project

Last night I met the impossibly adorable Ira Dressner and got to see some coaching in action, which was interesting. Husband has some coach training but I do not, so it was enlightening to see some "mock coaching" which Ira was then evaluating how the coaches did.

Also, very exciting, I was one of 2 raffle winners of a piece of Ira's energy jewelry. I am supposed to wear it for the next 30 days or so, and it will remind me of what it is that I want ... when Ira asked me, I said, Peace.

I was supposed to talk to the bracelet and ask it to help me, but I prayed instead that God would help me use the bracelet to help remind me of what I may need to do to find peace.

Ira has a process where he holds the item and charges it with energy; as he began he stopped suddenly and said, "You have something you need to take care of. Take care of it first."

I've got such a list I'm not even sure what that boils down to. Another baby? Working from home with Husband or not? Getting back on Zoloft? Visiting my mom? Moving (somewhere, anywhere)? Whew. But an intriguing statement, huh? What would you think of first if someone said that to you?

1 comment:

Cathy said...

i'm like you--i've got a million things bouncing around my head that need to be taken care of. But bracelet is a great idea--plus it's pretty! :)