Thursday, May 28, 2009

Anxiety Issues

Since Husband and I have been talking with someone about our issues for a few weeks, I can really notice my own anxiety level.

Not that it's significantly different due to the talking, just that I've become much more aware of it ... and how constant, pervasive, and intrusive it is.

I know one of the reasons my sister smokes is to calm her anxiety. I would certainly drink more to calm mine if it weren't for that whole not-able-to-function thing, both day-of and, now that I'm in my 40s, the whole day-after thing. I've made an appointment with my MD for a prescription for Zoloft-- legal and (we think) non-deadly -- but my appointment is mid-June (and, I have to move it because I picked a day with a conflict that just hadn't been put on the schedule yet).

How do I call back and explain that I'm counting down the days till I can see her and get a new prescription? It's been a couple of years so I understand I need a whole physical, but do I need to keep feeling like this in the meantime, now that I know I need it??

I only went off the medication when we were unemployed and since I was feeling so good (classic, right?), all I could think of was, $1 a pill!

Now we're self-employed. That's different. And we're both home together. I need backup.


hokgardner said...

I would call and say that you are counting down the days and beg for enough meds to get you through until the date of the checkup.

I take Lexapro for my anxiety, and it has made a world of difference in my life. No more panic attacks in the grocery store, no more having to leave playdates early because I was so anxious that I felt sick. No more balancing the checkbook four times a day. The list goes on and on.

I hope your doctor will work with you.

Sara said...

Just call and ask for it! You've taken it before, you know it works for you, and you'll be there in a few weeks anyway. You won't be the first person to make that call, I'm sure.

Janice said...

Really? I thought that telling the nurse that the reason I was making the appt was so the doc could prescribe Zoloft again would be enough of a hint. I see -- I need to spell it out. I'm not very good at that!

It's been 4 years, does that make a difference?