Friday, May 15, 2009

Haiku Friday: At-School Edition

School book fair set-up
Lull in the action; I'll blog
while I have the chance.

Ok, that's a little weak this week.

How many years befoer no one knows the 2 different spellings o weak/week? I feel like the English language is slowly eroding before my eyes. Typos in sales letters, eveywhere-- dse no one use an editor anymore? *Sigh.*

They do teach the technical names for parts of words, though, apparently. DuckyBoy knows what to call letter combinations like "st" and "sh" and also trios like "str." I can't even find online what he told me they are. But he knows, and says it's one of the fun parts of school. Gets him interested in words? Guess that's good!

1 comment:

hokgardner said...

As a professional editor, don't even get me started on the lack of standards in today's printed materials. I'll end up foaming at the mouth.