Tuesday, March 3, 2009

NYC Snow Update

According to NY 1 News channel (The only news channel to watch, in my opinion), the neighborhood right next door to us got 10 inches of snow. That's more than I thought -- I said maybe 6.

Our car was covered yesterday --the 3 of us actually had fun clearing it off. DB did a great job scraping the layer of ice off the license plate. That was great not only because he enjoyed what for us would have been a tedious back-breaking job but also he could use the scraper with abandon -- usually we have to keep a close eye on him so he doesn't gouge the paint right off the car!

Aaaaand, then the car didn't start. But, that's another story. We'll see what happens today. Didn't like the cold yesterday let's see how you like it this morning when it's 12 degrees! I was grateful for the school bus this morning in a different way than usual.

DB's grumbled comment when we went outside to get the bus was priceless: "There is just as much snow today as there was yesterday. So why is there school today?!"

And then guess what! I got to scream out the window at 2 guys fighting in the street! Yeah, it's great to live in NY. More expensive, but you get a free show (with cursing!) right out your window.

So I says, "Ya wanna knock it off or shall I call the cops?" I says.

They looked up at me and waited for the other to stop first. I think one of them was my neighbor who was trying to dig his car out while he waited for his kid's bus. I don't know what the fight was about but I'm sure it was snow related.

All I know is I heard the shouting, looked out the window in time to see a punch, and then they disappeared behind a tree ... so of course I switched to another window. And there they on on the ground, and all's I can think is that one of them is gonna choke the other to death right in front of me.

And (first) I'm like, OK, so they don't have guns, (then) Not on my watch, fellas!

(Next) I actually called 911 because (after that) they got up, I wasn't sure it wasn't going to restart. (Finally) I think everyone lived. (What's with this?)

And, it's 9:30 am. I have 10 more things on my to-do list. Whoops, the phone just rang with Number 11.

So, as DB says when he's set up with whatever he needed at that moment (TV channel, snack, whatever) and he wants us to leave the room ... "Bye."


aspieteach said...

It's First, Then, Next, Last! Where are your sheep-mentality-thinking skills, Jan? Points off for your creativity! Or maybe they are just more creative up in NYC.

Janice said...

Ha! You got me, Sandy! DuckyBoy sang me the song, it went First, next, then, after that, and finally! Or was it First, then, next, after that finally ... anyway I know it had 5 steps! Maybe we have to work harder in NYC! (Baa!)

Anonymous said...

i can't believe you live there-how explosive I would be--really--come to Idaho and prepare to be amazed. Yeah, OK, thee is the Mormon factor, but it's not that bad!