Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bit of a Shocker

Ok, so trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I once dated a bank robber. Seriously. Both as in, I'm being serious and we dated in a serious manner.

Long random story why I even Googled the guy today (saw a blogger with the same last name and wondered if she was related, and then curiousity kicked in). But what I found was certainly not what I expected.

At least he was not a bank robber until 15 years or so after I knew him.

Tara, where are you????????


hokgardner said...

Wow! That's way more interesting than anything any of my exes have done!

Sara said...

My goodness. Just think how differently your life could have turned out...

Anonymous said...

Hey, he didn't turn out to be an ax murderer--always my standard! You should look up all your exes and see if they're in the same prison! Nanc