Thursday, March 26, 2009

Love Note to Dooce

Dear Heather,
I'm so glad your blog exists and that you are so honest about how you feel, otherwise I'd be even more lost.

I made someone mad yesterday. Wait, you've pissed off lots of people and not only survived but still likes herself, smiles, and all that jazz!

I feel anger and sadness and not a whole lot else these days. Wait, you were depressed too! I'm not postpartum and I don't think I'm so severe that I need a mental hospital (that option is probably a whole lot gentler in Utah than in NYC anyway). But I did just call to see about meeting with someone.

I feel like I'm hanging by a thread. Knowing that other people have gotten through helps. SO thanks.


hokgardner said...

I know the feeling of hanging by a thread all too well. Making an appointment is an important first step. Take care of yourself.

Sara said...

Good luck! I've been there, too.