Saturday, March 7, 2009

Blessed by Bumming Rides

As you'd probably guess from this post title, our car is in the shop.

But yesterday is the day I drive DB to school and spend the day there helping in the library. I could have put him on the school bus, but I still needed to find a way there. (Anyway, the bus would get him there almost an hour early since on Fridays his school has a later start time, but the buses don't adjust for that.) I knew I could call a car service, but wanted to minimize that expensive if possible, on the parts of the trip when I knew other people would be driving our way.

Blessing 1
So, I called my friend M, who graciously agreed to pick us up. She was practically apologetic about having to go early (since she has to get to work) -- but I was overjoyed to have a ride with a friend. It was good to see what happens when the kids arrive early, in case I ever do need to send DB on the bus on Friday.

We had a nice chat on the way, and since DB loves her minivan best among all the vehicles in the universe, he enjoyed it as well. He and M's daughter even chatted in the backseat-- which is a big deal for both of them.

Blessing 2
Thursday night as I set up the ride, I also spoke to my friend J. We spent a few minutes catching up in a way we never can at pickup time. (At least, not until it gets warmer and the kids can play at the playground.)

Blessing 3
Once we were at school, I figured I'd wing it about getting to gymnastics. Two other families go from school to the gym Friday afternoons, and I know D can squeeze extras into her minivan. Except ... yesterday, she wasn't going since she had 2 kids at home and only 1 came to school. But guess what, she offered to give us a ride anyway. (It's sorta-kinda on the way to their house, so I didn't feel too bad accepting.)

We had the nicest chat in the car! She even planted a seed about a career change idea for me, hmm. And DB got to practice sharing -- I'd bought some Twizzlers as an afterschool snack.

Blessing 4
At gymnastics, I figured I'd simply call a car service to get home. I'd already called Thursday to get the price, $18, not too bad. But somehow during the conversation I mentioned the car troubles to my friend E, and she insisted on driving us home! Which is waaay out of her way. And we had a nice chat too, and more socialization practice for DB.

DB got to ride in 3 minivans, and I got to have some time with 3 wonderful ladies. (4 when you count my phone chat Thursday night.) Who'da thunk it?

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