Monday, May 5, 2008

Being Part of the Group

This phrase gets used a lot in DuckyBoy's classroom, "being part of the group." It's a difficult concept for him, since he wants everyone else to ...
  • do what he wants them to do
  • when he wants them to do it,
and he doesn't understand why it doesn't happen.

I had an enlightening experience earlier this week; I rode with my friend to a dance festival Duckyboy’s class participated in, and the other moms wanted to leave right after our class had performed. Although I was looking forward to having lunch with that group of moms (which is why we all left together), I was unhappy because I wanted to see all of the performances.

I seriously considered how else I could get home from there, like, which main street nearby might have a bus line, but since it was a part of Queens I don't really know, I had no idea how to get home from there without riding with my friend.

And so, I had to leave; I had to be part of the group. And I was unhappy about it for longer than just a moment; it took until we got to the diner to snap out of it!

That doesn't happen to me very often. For one thing, I'm pretty easy-going. For another, my social circle's just not that big, and I'm sure I surround myself with people I'm not going to disagree with very much about what we do.

So it was a good reminder that what we're asking DB to do is.not.easy.

You can read what we did this weekend at the blog I started for stuff that he'll want to see. I'm hoping one of these days he'll start to have some ideas of things to post. I'm also hoping they're not as long as the Peeps Adventure; there's a second one I haven't even posted yet.

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