Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ready to Be Six

DuckyBoy told me tonight he's tired of being five. He wants to be six.

You're five and three-quarters, I told him after doing the mental math.

But that wasn't good enough. Wonder what's up.

He had a great day today, went to Build a Bear to make what he calls his "Citizen Bear"-- reward for being Citizen of the Month last month. We meant to do it right after he got the award, but life happens. In-laws need to be visited before the jet off to Italy for a month. Boot camps start and finish.

Anyway, once it was belated, we decided to time it to coincide with the next citizen award ceremony (which was yesterday), to remind him that he hasn't lost anything by it being someone else's turn, that "Once a Citizen, Always a Citizen."

He wasn't upset by the selection of a new citizen... just uninterested in sitting through the assembly AT ALL. When I arrived to help with the end of the school plant sale, he was sitting in the lobby with the librarian reading a book. One kid out of a couple hundred, mine, is sitting in the hallway being babysat. Happy As A Lark. Later he told me he said the Pledge of Allegiance and then [insert a lack of detail as big as a black hole] sat in the hall with Mrs. L. I heard through the grapevine there was minor commotion involved, as in noise being made. Otherwise I got no details from anyone -- yet.

How is he going to survive the next 11 years of school when he cannot tolerate what does not interest him? (Or, should I instead be asking, Why do we all tolerate so much when it's possible to behave like him and not have to do it?!?)

Oh wait, I get it. He wants to be six so he can be Citizen of the Month again next year in first grade. Here's a hint, lovey: Try sitting through an assembly!!

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