Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Now, With Advertising!

I'm trying something new. Every time I post, I get an offer from Google to put ads on my blog. At first I thought, Ahh, no, nobody's going to see them anyway, but now I'm curious.

How does it work? Will I make a few pennies?

So I'm trying it out, on the right there's a box under my archive listing.

I feel a little funny about it, because I started this blog just to write down the thoughts that rattle around in my head, in the hopes of connecting with someone else or that someone else might get something out of reading them.

That's still why I write this blog. But I'm also gonna see how this other part works.


Sara said...

I am addicted to checking my blog's stats on Adsense. So far I've made... um... well, we're not supposed to say, I think. But I'll give you a range: more than eight cents, and less than a dime.

Janice said...

Ha! I saw in the rules that they're not gonna send a check until it's over $10, so keep on pluggin' away!