Friday, July 11, 2008

Haiku Friday, With Minutes to Spare

Tummy full sushi
Hancock was a good movie
$7 dollars left

Cheap weekend ahead!
But that's OK, it's date night
First month with budget

Thinking good thoughts now
For Christina studying --
You will pass this test!

DuckyBoy and I had a great time today, we went to the Museum of Natural History with our friends, he did well with his classmate and it was good for both of us to have someone else to interact with.

The most interesting thing for me was when he wanted to sketch one of the dinosaurs -- my friend's idea, thanks, M! -- and he sketched one of the bones plus the band holding it to the other bones.

That just confirms something I already know -- he really notices details! It made sense later when he was kind of running into people on the sidewalk, not getting out of their way -- I realized, he is looking at so many small details that interest him, like in a store window, the font on an advertising sign, or whatever, he probably simply doesn't see the big blobs (the people).

1 comment:

Sara said...

Interesting. I wonder if he felt he'd drawn the whole dinosaur. Maybe just the important essence of dinosaur?