Monday, July 21, 2008

Imaginary Friends

What does it mean when a child says his imaginary friends are bothering him?

When I picked up DuckyBoy from school/camp today, he told me the Nothings had been bothering him.

The Nothings are a passel of invisible critters shaped like ... shapes. Circles, squares, triangles, rectangles and, I think, hexagons. If I remember correctly, they are all purple. Whole families. Some hatch from eggs and other are mammals, and they switch with each generation -- so the Nothings that hatched from eggs bear live young, and so on.

But today they were hitting, kicking, and pinching -- though I opined that it must be hard to tell those actions apart since the Nothings have no arms, legs, hands, etc.

Sometimes Ducky, his other imaginary friend, up and moves to New Zealand with no warning and we have to call Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and get things straightened out with the powers that be (which we have, of course, imagined -- we never speak to any particular character from the show; nor does this idea exactly fit the concept of the show).

But today was different. DB told me to talk to the Nothings and to threaten to shut down the Nothing Day Care Center -- which is what we played on Thursday afternoon I think -- and then DB even invented a time machine to transport them all to another time so they could taste life without him.

All but one; the tiniest Nothing baby stayed behind and rode on the steering wheel until DB invented a return time machine and brought everyone else back. (All this took place in the car on the way to gymnastics.)

They were much chastened, I guess, since they said and did no more.

I think he was upset with someone and just couldn't quite deal with the reality.


A Mom said...

Our son has offen worked social conflicts and concerns out with his friend Bobby. Now that he's just about 10 we don't hear much about Bobby - he's usually in CA or Antartica on business, but when he appears it's one of the red flags that something is bothering him. Sometimes I miss the adventures with Bobby when he was just a friend and not a red flag to something bothering him though.

Janice said...

Isn't it funny how the imaginary friend are sometimes so grown-up and businesslike!

Sara said...

The Firecracker has a beloved stuffed cat, Poopa. I sometimes hear them getting into arguments. I'm pretty certain Poopa's a bad influence, that no-good cat...

Sara said...

This isn't actually a comment, but I'm on the laptop and don't have your e-mail address on this computer. Anyway. I thought you might like this thread:

(I'm "The corpse in the library."))