Monday, April 27, 2009

Changing the Way I Communicate

So. We had our first meeting today with a person who is professionally trained to help people like us with our communication issues. Since we are trying to work and live together successfully, it seems like a good idea.

Especially since I've got issues. Chronic issues, is the phrase that came up today. Not sure how I feel about that phrase. Some relief that I probably can let go of thinking I can fix myself in an instant ("If I could just find THE answer!"), but also, hmm. That sounds like something that isn't going to go away as quickly as I'd like. And it may require more effort than I'd hoped.

Anyway, it was helpful just to talk to each other with a neutral third party listening.

So I'm feeling good, ya know? Like, Oh, hey, I really can and should say what's on my mind. And it's going to be okay. So far today it's even been helpful in a business sort of way.

Now, a few hours later, Husband is getting a bit tired of the Confident Wife. We're joking around with what he might say to our friend at the next meeting: "Hey, my wife is more broken than she was last week!"

Hey, can you believe I just now added "marriage" as a label on this blog? Guess that tells me something.

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