Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hangovers: Worth it or Not?

Hangovers used to be worth it. You'd drink the wine, feel good, have a great time, and just deal with the feelings the next day.

A few hangovers weren't worth it, like when you wake up and can't stand up. But garden-variety had-a-few-glasses-of-wine type were usually easy enough to soldier through.

But now? Maybe it's because I'm older, maybe it's because I have to get up at 6 am, maybe it's because I work at home (and the comfy bed and couch beckon for a snooze), maybe it's all those things combined.

But this is difficult. The only thing I can say is I DID enjoy the wine last night! And I know I have to pay the price.

More and more, though, the price is getting too high.

How about you?


Anonymous said...

The key with wine is to make sure that you drink a ton of water with it. That way 1) you stay hydrated and 2) you drink way less.

karen said...

I find that I love to have a glass of red wine now & then. My life is stressful ... and wine is relaxing. I stop at a glass though - sometimes I'll have two - and always with food. Fortunately, I don't have a hangover w/ 2 glasses. Are you kidding?? I wouldn't be able to face my days w/a hangover. I just like to take the edge off of the stress and laugh it up with a friend or my sister. My goodness, if I didn't have those small breaks ... I think I might have lost it a long time ago ;)