Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bus Dream

I had a dream last night about DB's bus. I was undecided about whether to tell him about it -- and then, oddly enough, on our way downstairs this morning he asked me to tell him my dreams. So I told him about it:

Last night I dreamt your bus was like a dune buggy. It was open in the back except for rollbars -- one across the front and back of the passenger section, and then one long one down the center (so it formed like a capital letter "I" from the front to back of the bus).

It was yellow like a school bus and about the same size your bus is now (a minibus). Those details were in response to his questions -- "Was it red?" "Was it a 2-seater?"

The front section had both driver and passenger seats, like a dune buggy, but was open like a jeep.

There was a substitute driver, not the usual guy, who was playing music so loud that the guy was wearing big headphones to muffle the sound (either that, or he was listening to the music through those headphones and it was still so loud if was deafening).

"Did the kids have headphones too?" DB asked me. No, they didn't and there was no way I was going to put DB on that bus with that loud music, and I was baffled as to why anyone else did! His old classmate A. and the kindergartener who actually does sit in front of him on the bus now were in the bus's seats when it pulled up.

I was trying to decide whether to get those kids off the bus and drive them myself as I walked, holding DB's hand, out to the bus to tell the guy I was going to drive DB today.

DB was distracted by a parked car and pulling me to the side of the street, so I had to pull him back toward the bus to finish speaking to the driver.

The driver just nodded when I said I'd be driving DB, then pulled away with the other kids on it. I was left wondering how the police could find the bus if I called them. Or whether it was even the police I should call, or the school? OPT?And then I either woke up or the dream was over.

Ya think I still have some bus anxiety?

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