Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Scourge of Second Grade

Guess what DB has that got him sent home early from school today?

Hint: they're small and live on heads and are hard to get rid of ...
Find out here ...

It's not severe; the nurse said he can probably come back tomorrow.

It's my library volunteer day at school tomorrow ...
but do I really want either one of us to be there all day???


hokgardner said...

I'm so sorry. We went through what I call "The Summer of Lice" two years ago. Trying to get rid of lice on three kids at once was awful. I did more laundry than at any point in my life. I ended up with them, too.

But I probably shouldn't tell you all that.

Besides, you have a boy with short hair. I had two girls with very long hair, which made the process harder.

You'll be fine.

Janice said...

I already found one on myself late last night -- late enough that I had to get in the car to go to the 24-hour drugstore for enough shampoo for Husband and myself. Eww. I'd already done our sheets, pillows, etc. Oh, and I'll put up a pic of DB's hair ... it's longer than mine was at that age, but I can see how it's harder the longer it gets. My husband checked half my long-haired head before he gave up in frustration.

Helen + ilana = Hi said...

ah yes I remember it well! Check out my lice post for a little video to make you feel better.

Word Verification Daffynition
didislan = did sla(i)n all dem lices yet???