Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Life's too short to use bad tweezers.

At least that's what I told myself when I bought the black pair shown in front here -- the Revlon Stainless, which was something outrageous like $6 or $10 when an ordinary pair costs like $2.

These are 5 of the 7 (!) pair of tweezers I currently own. As I mentioned, I love the black pair the most. Because it can grab hold and pull even a just-starting hair out of my unforgiving chin. Eww! I think I bought that pair on my way somewhere, whereupon I realized en route hat I needed to do some additional grooming to feel at my best. Duane Reade offered a limited variety, so I splurged and haven't regretted it one cent.

My next favorite is the one with the magnifier; its very pointy ends work well. I think that pair may be from a street fair. As an extremely nearsighted person, I found the magnifier intriguing. Turns out I don't use that feature all that much, but it's nice to have on there.

After that they devolve fairly rapidly -- from the pair I throw in my handbag sometimes (really should choose one with less pointy ends for that purpose... ouch!), to the standard-issue Revlon style that I kept in my desk at work, to the pair that's Just Like Mom Used To Have -- in other words, not really good for anything.

Believe it or not, the little tweezers in the Swiss Army set actually works better than you'd expect. I have no idea why I even own that -- I think I may have found it and sterilized the heck out of it before I put it near my face.

And here are the additional pairs that are simply stuffed in my desk drawer; the blue pair works fine, the silver pair is another standard-issue Revlon variety that, again, I probably bought in an emergency.

I always find myself needing a pair at my mother-in-law's. That and a nail file. What is it about being away from home for a few hours that always causes a hair to sprout or a fingernail to snag or break a nail? Guess I need an mini travel kit that fits in my small handbag.

Anyone want to guess what other 3 items I have in every one of my bags at all times? Besides the phone and the wallet/money. Come on, take a guess!


hokgardner said...

I won't venture a guess because I don't carry a purse and have no idea what women who know how to accessorize put in purses.

I have a large tweezer collection, but only because I can never find a pair when I need one, so I buy a new pair and then promptly lose it, too. Six months later, all the tweezers will show up, and I'll realize I have something riduculous like 10 pairs.

Cathy said...

i have a collection of tweezers, but am too scared to use them, so I get my brows waxed when they get too bad. :)

Janice said...

Ok, so via email my sister came the closest, guessing Chapstick (yep, that's one) and wet wipes (no, but that'd be a good 4th since I usually have those, especially since the whole swine flu thing this spring).

The other 2 things I always have are are Kleenex and at least one size of o.b. tampon.