Friday, April 10, 2009

Haiku Friday: Time for ???

Hey, it's Friday and I'm not too blue to haiku!

Whether or not the men in my life give me enough time to formulate one is another story...

I should be working
on our joint business venture
but it's spring break, dude!

I'm always on break --
or at least I can be it seems.
I should be working.

I'm 3 hours short
on one of my project plans,
One on another.

But way over time
on blogging--imagine that?
Guess what I enjoy.

Have to color eggs
And DB needs a haircut.
Play catch-up next week?

Maybe with some help
from a fave sitter or two --
is it worth the cost?

Hard to justify
the expense without income.
The TV is free...

But not without costs
to DB's mood for the day;
Inverse proportion:

TV time goes up,
his mood goes right down after
about an hour.

(Is "hour" one syllable or 2?)


Tink *~*~* said...

I think it is technically two syllables, but no one pronounces it that way. Anyhow, hope you take some time this holiday weekend without guilt - it's a holiday. Plenty of time for guilt next week ;)

Tink *~*~*
Not-so-hidden Mickey

Janice said...

Thanks! For haiku it seems more like 2. Sounds like a grey area at best! :)

Cathy said...

i'm having one of those days, too. I need to be working on some other stuff or it will bite me in the a$$ next week, but instead I'm catching up on blogging. :)

Gayle said...

Yes, blogging is interfering with my ability to accomplish what I need to. It's a disease! :)

Mel said...

When I'm in doubt of how many syllables a word is, I try to find a synonym. If it has one more than I need, I'll insert an apostrophe to make it fewer, the way Shakespeare did. For instance, this week I needed Wednesday to be a syllable shorter, so I wrote Wedn'sday so that there is no question of how many syllables it has.

Of course, as it's your haiku, you can make a questionable word have either pronunciation.