Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Zoloft Day 1

This title reminds me of the "Special K Diet, Day 1" post I put up awhile back.

But hopefully this one will do more good.

DB has been the nicest kid lately. I'm still chalking it up to the week spent with Grandma and BonePa.

I'm imagining it's hard to generalize if you only, ever interact with the same 2 caregivers, right? So I think living with other people for a week, trying out various behaviors and seeing the reaction that's received, helped him somehow. He's more polite, grateful, and even less freaked out about various situations like a dodtor visit and the end of the school year.

Last night when I told him we were having chicken burgers for dinner, do you know what he said? "Yay!"

I'm tearing up just thinking about it! That's the first "Yay" I ever got for any food other than for nuggets or fries. And we all 3 ate and enjoyed them!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

wow--that's great! i hope things are still going well.