Friday, June 6, 2008

Peeps, To-Do Lists, and Haiku

I don't plan to usually do this, but I want something positive at the top of the blog for the weekend, and may not get a chance to post something else so here is the latest Marshmallow Peeps adventure on DuckyBoy's blog (which is really done by me so far, though we did the photos together).

He and I had an interesting conversation, if it could be called that, about websites vs. blogs. We were playing with a new toy shark and he wanted to have a sharks website with pictures of his sharks (he has 3 now), and where his friends could put pics of their toy sharks also. So we went to GoDaddy, and "" was available for $10.

I didn't feel like going through the purchase process, since he'd have lost interest by then anyway, but in case he wanted to keep going right away I suggested we start a blog. But he said, No, a blog is for grown-ups. After some back and forth I realized he sees a website as something that will have games on it. Clearly he was thinking, If we make a website, games will be there.

I thought that was interesting, to see the Web through his eyes. The only sites he goes to have games, so it makes total sense.

So I explained that even if we created a website it wouldn't have games. And then I thought of one.. maybe our ItsYourInternet guy could program it... hmm.. something else for the to-do list!

Does anyone else have a list a mile long of things to do for, with, and about your kids? My problem is my list for DB keeps growing, and for Husband keeps growing, and meanwhile my list of things for me -- including a several-hundred-dollar Spanish-language course --sits collecting dust. Huh. Anybody have any tips? Other than "Stop writing blog posts and go do something else for yourself?"

Oh and hey, it's Haiku Friday once again! Another seemingly useless activity I do for myself. I think of it as one of those brain activities I do, like Sudoku, to help stave off Alzheimer's. Not sure it's working, I'll have DuckyBoy let you know in 30 years.

Mile-long to-do list
Reading for the husband next
but I slept in, yeah!!

1 comment:

the planet of janet said...

yay for sleeping in! wish i could!

happy haiku friday!