It's Haiku Friday!
I'm delighted to host for
Christina this week.
I could never do
her new job in L-and-D
but I can do this!
Lots have offered help ...
whoops, it's Friday already?
Let's start this party!
**These are the random 'kus I was going to post this week before I was hosting:
Little hamster girl
running in your wheel so fast
you make me smile so.
When my father swore
it was always "ga-DAM-mit!"
Now that makes me laugh.
To play along for Haiku Friday, follow these steps:
1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. It or they can be part or all of your post, but your post must include a haiku. What's a haiku, you ask? Hint: 5-7-5. More info: Click here. Or here.
2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON'T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.
3. Please leave a comment after linking, thanks!
4. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top of this post.
REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! I will carry on the esteemed tradition of deleting any links without haiku!
Hi there, how is it that it's afternoon already, and I'm first to comment?
Happy Haiku Friday!
Tink *~*~*
Florida skies: painted-on perfection
Hi Tink, yep, you're the first commenter ... maybe everybody's shy about posting on a different blog! Really folks, I don't bite!
Here I am, late to the gate as always. Headed out the door so I can't stay - Thanks!!
Thanks for filling in ;--)
I posted Haiku Friday
on two of my blogs
but been too busy
until now to add my links.
Such is life these days.
I played officially at Happily Retired Gal and Sacred Ruminations this week, but usually have Haiku on all of my blogs every day ... just because. Happy weekend everyone ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Forgot to link earlier! Been a busy week!
Thank you so much for hosting this week! I too always write haikus with my posts!
Checkout a website called Haiku By Two (or maybe it's Haiku for Two). It's kind of a similar idea. :-)
Thanks, Adventures in Mother Venture -- Haiku By Two is an adorably cute site!
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