Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I have been so negligent ... even my ad network has left me (temporarily)! Apologies all around.
I'm having trouble logging into Google (aka Blogger) consistently -- this time it worked, hooray.

I missed 2 weeks of Haiku Friday?? My schedule must be off.
Why, yes it is... school's out for the summer!

"Summer camp" started today. In quotes because DuckyBoy is figuring it out: "It's just school!" (Well, yes, but only 4 hours' worth. And not as intense.) But, he had a good time anyway today, even on the bus because his friend whose mom drives him during the year is on it for the summer. (Not that they're Best Friends ... he's certain to point that out to us every time we mention this kid's name. Sheesh.)

Remembered this weekend that he sleepwalks/ sleep talks when he's very anxious ... which is right before something new. There, it's in print now. One year I'll notice the pattern.

Looks like I make more typos than usual after I've had 2 g&t's. Imagine that.

Had a heart-wrenching heart-to-heart with DB tonight about being happy. "Every other kid is happy except me."

Happiness is fleeting, I tell him, and also that all those other kids don't rethink every minute of their day Every.Single.Time. "Can I brush my teeth in bed? "You don't comb my hair on weekends!"

I even had to tell him that people comb their hair on weekends. I know that's hard to hear, I said. Dad and I have tried to protect you from the pain you feel, but it's not working. So you might as well know.

I'm sure I contributed to his being this way. And I'm just as sure it's partly genetic, as both adults in the household are on Zoloft. But what else can I do???
Tough love, redefined. In a marshmallow sort of way.

Overall the end of the year went really well for him. I got "guypped" out of a party-ish thing at the pool club on the last day of school: ALL the other moms (and their kids) were going, we were all going to order pizza, play in the pool, yadda yadda, I was telling peopole I was going up until like a half-hour before pickup time ...

... at which time DB informed me in no uncertain terms all he wanted to do was Go. Home.

I forget how anxious the end of year makes him.

So we went home.

I hope I did the right thing.

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