Friday, November 6, 2009

Haiku (Late) Friday!

Haiku Friday

Omigosh, I completely forgot it's Friday until @rmitty FF'd me on Twitter... I read her tweet and went, uh, Friday, isn't there something I do on Fridays?? ... Yikes!

I haven't even posted since last week. Ironically, what I've been doing is helping other people create websites and, yes, blogs! There's God showing that divine sense of humor!

And then there was Halloween to recover from. It was loads of fun. We went with some friends to Metropolitan Ave, DB had a blast dancing at one stop and shoved his way to the front of the candy line with the rest of 'em. My favorite part of trick-or-treating was that DB kept holding up his candy-holding pumpkin and making it say, "I'm not full enough! Is that the best you can do?"

My favorite part of the whole day was spending the rest of the evening at our friends' house and getting to play Wii tennis and bowling and letting the kids play. That, and NOT dressing up. It was nice weather so I just wore my Old Navy Halloween shirt and orange jack o' lantern hat and was happy about it. For once I didn't need to dress up to have a good time.

Plus my feet hurt so much Friday night that there was no way I could be Laura Ingalls a 2nd day in a row!

On Sunday we let DB eat as much Halloween candy as he wanted -- my friend was pretty shocked, 'cause she has A Plan for doling it out to her kids and then tossing it. Yep, as long as he ate healthy-ish food periodically throughout the day, he could pretty much go to town. I liked that he kept asking me if it was OK to have more, though.

Hey, Jan, how about a haiku? Well, let's get one going:

Sewing like crazy
to make a craft sale deadline ...
we'll know tomorrow

if I make money
with my holiday/fall wreaths
and some outgrown clothes...

DB's school is hosting a craft/flea market as a fundraiser, the idea being that the school sells you a table and then you can sell whatever you want. So I bought one to support the school and got the bright idea to make these fabric wreaths my MIL makes for her church fair every eyar.

I actually was hoping she'd have some leftovers lying around, but when I asked he she was like, "Here's the pattern!" which actually is really cool, except she didn't warn me that the first 5 of these buggers you make are the Hardest.Ever!! I have made every mistake possible when only doing straight-line sewing.

And my sewing machine broke.

And DB broke one of the styrofoam wreaths as we were walking out of the store with it. Niiice.

More cosmic sense of humor! I figure, for next year I'll be all warmed up. Meanwhile I have 4 to sell tomorrow plus some of DB's outgrown winter coats and assorted clothes.

I had big plans to make some cool holiday handbags too, but it's just a pain to even find the right stores that carry the right fabrics near me. So, next time. I'm proud that I've completed all the ones I could. It's a lot for me right now to follow through on something like this.

But meanwhile, I apologize for not getting this posted earlier!

Would you like to haiku today? To participate in Haiku Friday, just follow these steps:

1. Write your own haiku on your blog. You can do one or many, all following a theme or just random. It or they can be part or all of your post, but your post must include a haiku. What's a haiku, you ask? Hint: 5-7-5. More info: Click here. Or here.

2. Sign the Mister Linky below with your name and the link to your haiku post (the specific post URL, not your main blog URL). DON'T sign unless you have a haiku this week. If you need help with this, please let me know.

3. Please leave a comment after linking, thanks! (Eventually the Mr Linky links go away, I think, so they only way we'll find you in the future is via your comment.)

4. Pick up a Haiku Friday button to display on the post or in your sidebar by clicking the button at the top of this post.

REMEMBER: Do not post your link unless you have a haiku this week! Even though I have barely kept with the tradition of Haiku FRIDAY, I do promise to carry on the tradition of deleting any links without haiku...

Have a great weekend!


Amie S said...

I actually want to start doing haiku, thanks for sharing this, I'll put it on my friday blogging to-do list.

Tink *~*~* said...

I was wondering what happened to you - glad you're ok!

Tink *~*~*

sisagain said...

Good for you--sewing and blogging and Haiku-ing, oh my!
I let B & K eat all the candy they wanted at Halloween. K ate it all up in a couple days and B still had some by Easter! ( much to K's consternation!)
Have a good Sunday!

storyteller said...

Wow ... looks like YOU've been BUSY indeed. Although I posted Haiku last week on each blog (as usual) somehow I missed this post until this morning (the 13th) ... so I'll add links belatedly and wish you all well ;-)
Hugs and blessings,