Friday, October 9, 2009

Hamster Comments, Please!

DuckyBoy would love for people to comment on the cute online hamsters we added to his blog. You can play with them and they don't smell or nip!! Enjoy!

PS, I visited Supergirl today for a minute, she was busy rutzing around in her bedding but I still said hello so she'll remember my voice.

Of course I wanted her to run up to the top level of her cage and squeak, "Take me home!" but she didn't.

Which bodes well for her as an adaptable little animal. (I'll get over it.)

I also felt really good about myself today, the school librarian had several crafty projects lined up for me, and me especially! I've basically decorated the entire library for the present time. (I do the frameworks that the kids' artwork gets displayed with.)

If I'da had my camera I'd have taken a picture of my paper-collage Border collie; next week, if I remember!

1 comment:

hokgardner said...

My daughter has the same hamster on her google homepage. She thinks it's about the funniest thing ever.