Friday, September 5, 2008


Dear Stop and Shop,

Why do you ask me to fill out the consumer surveys if you're not going to listen to me? I TOLD you that your logo did not need to be changed, but did you listen? No. You changed it anyway.

Of the ones you had me evaluate, at least you picked the one I liked. Really, it was the only one that made any sense, the others were ridiculously off-target.

But my son is very unhappy! Why change a perfectly good, vehicle-related, red-light green-light logo for one that looks like, **heavy sigh**, a salad bowl?? You understand how this makes no sense to a 6-year-old wheels nut.

On the upside, your new logo is saving me money since DB now insists on buying your store brand as much as possible, since the packages still have the old logo on them. I'm sure I will be reusing them until the cardboard falls to pieces and then taping the boxes together to continue to hold graham crackers until he graduates from high school. Thanks a lot.

Also, I am still waiting to be the one who wins the $100 grocery money for filling out the surveys. Surely it's going to be my turn soon. If you'd prefer, I'd be happy to be the groceries-for-a-year winner in honor of the new look. I'll even take back what I said. Well, maybe not. But I'll say something nice about the bowl.

And, since it's Haiku Friday, I'll try to 'ku it:

Oh dear Stop & Shop,
why must you introduce change
don't you know our pain?

1 comment:

Patsy said...

:) I hope your son isn't warped for life.