Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bad Neighbors, Bad Video!

Uh, yeah. So I am editing this post to take down the video I shot this morning of the door of another apartment in my building. Thanks, Sara, although someone or someones I most dislike having know where I live have been in, uh, the apartment in question.

So anyway, for anyone else reading this, I shot a video (along with a couple of photos that are on Flickr) and posted it to YouTube to prove that the court notices, dated February (at least the one on top is), are in fact taped to the door as of today, June 5, 2008, so no one can say they weren't.

As a Christian, I felt bad about this yesterday. I felt bad about trying to keep these people out of my building. I feel like I should try to be loving to everyone, etc. etc. Then I realized: I am also supposed to fight evil. And so here is the story (well, a hint anyway) of my little stand, in case it's needed.

And as an update, now that the day is over I feel like there are official people who seem to be on the ball to make sure everything will be OK. It's not anything as horrible as it could seem in New York, like the former governor showing up at odd times of night, but ... let's leave it at this, I am saying prayers of protection and I am not the type of person to usually do that.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I am, of course, curious what's up. But also -- do you want to give away your home address? I don't know if you do or not. It seems like something you shouldn't do, but I don't know why not.

Aren't I helpful?