Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Nature on Display

We had beautiful weather in northern Indiana last week. My brother's town is small and surrounded by fields, so it's full of beautifully chirping birds, his yard is covered in violets:

And Duckyboy had a blast trying to "jail" a ladybug, who kept blithely meandering over the sticks that comprised his triangular cage:

Between being able to run in and out of the house which was full of people and cats to play with inside and lots to look at outside, at one point DB said, "This is even more fun than playing on Club Penguin!" Which, believe me, is saying something.


Magpie said...

Spring is so nice, isn't it?

Good to meet you last night.

Jan @ Struck by Serendipity said...

Those violets are gorgeous!

I found you through Bossy's sight...saw we had the same name, & figured I should come check out your blog. :)

Stacia said...

Love that ladybug shot. It's the essence of spring!