Thursday, March 25, 2010

Haiku Friday: Listening for God

Haiku Friday

Where is God at work
in the people around me?
I look and listen ...

Focus on the good,
then I can find where to help,
where God would guide me.

I am reading a workbook called Experiencing God as part of a group I'm in. It's oretty hardcore and sometimes contradictory, but overall I am getting the message to listen for where God is working in order to find where my place of service is.

Want to play along on Haiku Friday? You know what to do: Write haiku, any theme. Put the post url into Mister Linky here, then please leave a comment after linking.

And be sure to have a great weekend!


Mary (MPJ) said...

Thank you! What a timely haiku! I really needed to be reminded to listen for God today. :)

happily retired gal said...

Wonderful reminder for us all ... thank you so much for this and for keeping Haiku Friday alive. Hopefully one day it will catch on again and find a wider audience with greater participation.
Hugs and blessings,

Stacia said...

"Focus on the good." That's solid advice for every faith!